Votran - We drive a great bargain
Volusia County Transit
Bus Service Guide
Effective - June 2000
Information - 761-7700
TDD - 756-7494

How to use the bus map and timetables

Find the street where you are located on or the nearest street to you on the map, Note the name, number and color of the route nearest you. Bus departure times can be found on the timetable for this route.

Find the location of your destination on the map. Look for the nearest bus route to thi location. If this route is different from the first route you have slected, look at the second timetable and map check where a trasnfer may be made. Most transfers are made at the VOTRAN Transfer may be made. Most transfers are made at the VOTRAN Transfer Plaza at Palmetto Avenue and Bethune Boulevard.

Check the timetable portion of the schedule under the route number you have determined to be the best route for your trip and look for the time point (cross streets) closest to where you would like to board the bus. Follow the column down the timetable and find a departure time convenient for your trip. Read across the line to the time point closets to your destination transfer point to find your arrival time. If your boarding or destination point is between two time-points, the bus will arrive at your destination at a time between the time the bus passes the first time-point and arrives at the second time-point. If your trip appears difficult to plan or you have questions please call 761-7700 for assistence. We will help you plan your trip.

Itinerário de Ônibus (Clique na Imagem para Ampliar)